
    Products purchased at a distance can be returned according to OG 130/2000 and changes within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the date of purchase.

    The consumer has the right to notify the trader in writing that he renounces the purchase, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 24 hours of receiving the product.

    The products made to the customer's measurements cannot be returned.

      The costs related to the return of the products will be borne by the buyer, using the same transport service with which the shipment was made. Parcels with a refund or whose transport payment has not been made by the sender are not accepted.
        The customer is responsible for damage or loss of the product following the transport of exchange or return of products.

          Stefania Caragea will return the value of the order within 10 days from the date of the written announcement of the return intention.

          The refunded amount, as well as the return conditions do not include the transport costs.

            The term for announcing the return is a maximum of 24 hours from the receipt of the package. 
              Products for which the attached seal has been removed, which show physical changes, signs of wear, lack of original labels and packaging, are not accepted for return.
                The money will be returned to a bank account provided by the customer.